Food is one of man's greatest invention. be it in times for survival or indulgence, food can always be found in the centre of it all. This is a feature project shot for SALT Magazine's editorial that features unique recipes from 4 chefs that simulates what they will cook up at the end of the world.

Chef Damian's Corned Beef Stew served with rice and sambal belacan that draws inspiration from World War II where people were issued canned rations. This Eurasian stew, though simple, packs a whole lot of comfort.

Chef Wai Leong's Corn & Pickled Green Chilli Risotto is a reflection of his fun personality. "Since you basically have all the time on your hands if you're stuck in a bunker" he quoted, this dish is a dish of fine luxury at desparate times.

Chef Jeremy is a man who is not shy of his influences, despite his broad latitute in culinary, the dish he goes to is one of comfort and one of soup. Thus is his Spaghetti with Corned Beef in Tomato Dashi.

Chef Su is a chef who does not hold back. Abalone, Cous Cous, Smoked Green Peas and Carrots, Tamarind Sauce is a dish of the highest indulgence. "Since it is the end of the world, you might as well be eating all the expensive stuff first".